Madeline Brozen

Brozen, Madeline (1)

Deputy Director, Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies 
Program Manager, Complete Streets Initiative
Phone: (424) 255-8737
Office: 3320E Public Affairs, UCLA
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Madeline is the Program Manager, UCLA Complete Streets Initiative and the Assistant Director of the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies and the Institute of Transportation Studies. Her background includes an education as a transportation planner, consulting experience bicycle and pedestrian planning, and extensive time doing GIS and applied research. At the Lewis Center and Institute of Transportation Studies, Madeline’s research focuses on issues relating to complete streets and spatial analysis. Prior to her time with these centers, Madeline worked with a NASA-sponsored internship program, DEVELOP, where she analyzed satellite imagery to examine environmental issues working both at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena and Stennis Space Center, outside of New Orleans. During her time in Los Angeles, Madeline worked for Ryan Snyder Associates as an assistant transportation planner on Safe Routes to School and Bicycle/Pedestrian Master plans.

Madeline holds a M.A in Urban Planning from UCLA, where she focused on transportation planning. She also holds a B.S in Urban Studies from the University of New Orleans where she focused on GIS and Remote Sensing. Madeline is a two-time scholarship winner from WTS-LA, and a Lee Schippler Scholar from the World Resources Institute and EMBARQ. She is on the Board of Directors for the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, and a member of the Transportation Research Board and the American Planning Association.