There is no better place to study traffic congestion than Southern California. In our famously gridlocked region, traffic directly ties to development patterns and growth. The ITS traffic congestion research program, a joint effort with the UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, examines the connections between traffic and urban development, economic activity, and transportation planning. We pay particular attention to public finance tools — including the controversial tool of congestion pricing — as a way to inform policymakers in the quest to “solve” gridlock.
Lead Scholars
The Latest
It’s Time to Try Congestion Pricing in L.A.
Bloomberg — 2020
LA roads get busier due to quarantine fatigue, businesses reopening
KCRW — 2020
Congestion charging gains ground as cities run out of road
The Financial Times — 2020
Congestion Pricing: N.Y. Embraced it. Will Other Clogged Cities Follow?
The New York Times — 2019
The Fairness of Congestion Pricing
Transfers Magazine — 2019
Price of Good Economy: More Time Stuck in Traffic
The Wall Street Journal — 2019
The Only Way to Reduce Traffic
Innovation Hub from WGBH & PRX — 2019
A toll lane future is inevitable in California as traffic congestion worsens
LA Times— 2019
The future of America’s worst freeway
Mashable — 2019
A Great Big Freeway — Thanks to Induced Demand
Streetsblog — 2019
To curb traffic, cities explore implementing congestion pricing during peak hours
NBC News — 2019
Column: To beat congestion, L.A. needs to charge drivers more. But how can it be done right?
LA Times — 2019
To make transit work, does LA need to make driving harder?
Curbed — 2019
The Age of Congestion Pricing May Finally Be Upon Us
Wired — 2019
How California Car Culture Killed the Promise of a 20-Minute Commute
KPCC — 2018
Los Angeles’ Notorious Traffic Problem Explained in Graphics
CNN — 2018
Is Congestion Pricing Fair to the Poor?
Michael Manville — 2017
Why is LA Traffic So Bad? And is It Getting Worse?
KCRW — 2017
Six Reasons Why Traffic Congestion is Not Such a Bad Thing
Minneapolis Star-Tribune — 2017
Prohibiting Dense Development Doesn’t Prevent Traffic, It Creates Sprawl
Los Angeles Times — 2017
L.A.’s Traffic Battle Plan
Los Angeles Times — 2016
For Whom the Road Tolls: The Politics of Congestion Pricing
Michael Manville, Donald Shoup, David King — 2016
Not So Fast: Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in Greater Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area
Andrew Mondschein, Taner Osman, Brian D. Taylor, Trevor Thomas — 2015
A Very Brief History of Why Americans Hate Their Commutes
Martin Wachs, CityLab — 2014
Selected Research Publications
Is Traffic Congestion Overrated? Examining the Highly Variable Effects of Congestion on Travel and Accessibility
Andrew Mondschein, Brian D. Taylor — 2017
Congestion is universally unpopular, but is it always a problem? Some places more “congestion-adapted” than others — places where people make many trips and engage in many activities despite lots of congestion, which tend to be more central, built-up areas that host many short trips. Could planners be justified in creating more such places in order to increase accessibility, even if doing so makes absolute levels of congestion worse?
Would Congestion Pricing Harm the Poor? Do Free Roads Help the Poor?
Michael Manville, Emily Goldman — 2017
Congestion pricing could reduce urban congestion, but might disproportionately benefit the affluent and burden the poor. But free urban highways already mostly subsidize richer people, and the resulting congestion creates pollution that disproportionately impacts poorer people. Free roads also generate no revenue to compensate the people they harm, but could the revenue generated by pricing compensate poor drivers?
The Boy Who Cried Wolf? Media Messaging and Traveler Responses to “Carmageddon” in Los Angeles
Brian D. Taylor, Anne E. Brown, Martin Wachs — 2016
When one of the most heavily traveled freeways in the United States closed for construction over two weekends in successive years, public officials and media members publicized the closures in different ways, through appeals to civic pride or threats of nightmarish delays. How did the histrionics affect travel behavior over time?
Just Pricing: The Distributional Effects of Congestion Pricing and Sales Taxes
Lisa Schweitzer, Brian D. Taylor — 2008
Those who oppose tolls and other forms of road pricing argue that low-income, urban residents will suffer if they must pay to use congested freeways. But how much do low-income residents already pay for transportation in taxes and fees, and how much would residents pay for highway infrastructure under an alternative revenue-generating scheme such as a sales tax?
Other Research
Does traffic congestion influence the location of new business establishments? An analysis of the San Francisco Bay Area
Taner Osman, Trevor Thomas, Andrew Mondschein, Brian D. Taylor — 2018
Not So Fast — A Study of Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in the San Francisco Bay Area
Taner Osman, Trevor Thomas, Andrew Mondschein, Brian D. Taylor — 2016
Congested Development: A Study of Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in Metropolitan Los Angeles
Andrew Mondschein, Taner Osman, Brian D. Taylor, Trevor Thomas — 2015
Recent Projects
From traffic impact analysis to accessibility impact analysis: Developing and testing a post-LOS, post-VMT development impact analysis tool
PI: Brian D. Taylor Team:
Congestion Pricing for Climate, Capacity, or Communities?
PI: Austin Stanion Team:
Letting drivers choose how fast to drive: Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the 85th percentile rule
PI: Brian D. Taylor Team: Yu Hong Hwang
Gaining Wait? Analyzing the Congestion Impacts of Road Diets in Los Angeles
PI: Dylan Jouliot Team:
Roads, Density and Prices: A Translational Project
PI: Michael Manville Team:
Fast, Furious & Fatal: An Assessment of Speed-Setting Methodology in California
PI: Ribeka Toda Team: