Research Projects
- BridgeR – a Regional Seismic Hazard Assessment Tool for Transportation Networks & its Application to Freight Loss Assessment
On this project: Ertugrul Taciroglu, JR DeShazo
Research Area(s):About the project The BridgeR project will develop a GIS-based database for all of California’s more than 20,000 highway bridges, in order to allow engineers, city and traffic planners, and first responders to carry out emergency traffic planning, load rating of older bridges, and life-cycle cost-benefit assessments. The project will devise a computational toolbox app that interacts with the datab […]
- The Role of Accessibility in Delayed Retirement
On this project: Evelyn Blumenberg, Martin Wachs
Research Area(s):About the project This study will determine, using data from the California Household Travel Survey, whether there is a relationship in California between mobility—e.g. access to an automobile, the physical ability to drive, living in transit-accessible locations or proximate to business centers, and working from home—and delayed retirement, measured as remaining in the paid workforce past age 60. […]
- Estimating Health Benefits, Cost-Effectiveness and Distributional Equity from California’s Vehicle Emission Reduction Initiatives
On this project: Gregory Pierce
Research Area(s):About the project This interdisciplinary research project will evaluate the cost-effectiveness of San Joaquin Valley’s (SJV) Tune In & Tune Up (TI&TU) Program, currently California’s largest transportation-focused environmental justice initiative in terms of household participation. TI&TU provides SJV residents with free emission testing and vouchers for smog repair as needed at a ser […]
- Moving Forward the Agenda for Advanced Mitigation as Part of Transportation Planning and Funding
On this project: Martin Wachs, Jaimee Lederman
Research Area(s):About the project Advanced mitigation is of growing interest to transportation agencies because it allows them to reduce costs and lessen project delays by meeting environmental requirements for multiple projects early during project planning. Research and advocacy supporting dedicated advanced mitigation funding for transportation projects are growing increasingly influential in transportation pl […]
- Real-Time Precision LiDAR Transportation Density Mapping in the UCLA-Westwood Vicinity
On this project: Chee Wei Wong, Rui Wang
Research Area(s):About the project Metropolitan areas across the world use travel demand models and expensive data collected from various labor-intensive sources to forecast road traffic in order to assist decision-making on regional transportation system operation, infrastructure investment, environmental protection and land use planning. The ability of the model to produce base year volume estimates within accep […]