UCLA ITS’s Juan Matute is leading the Opening Reveille at TransportationCamp. Photo via Twitter @pietromarx
TransportationCamp in LA: What an amazing, exhilarating day.

Attendees proposed sessions on very colorful post-its. Photo via @LAGreatStreets on Twitter
On Saturday October 3rd, UCLA’s Institute of Transportation Studies brought together over 120 people, including Advisory Board members Joshua Schank and Peter Marx, to talk about topics in transportation and technology at TransportationCampLA at UCLA Luskin yesterday.
Learn more about this great day after the jump.
TransportationCamp is different from other conferences we organize: It’s an unconference. Topics are proposed by participants on the day of the event, and organizers plot together a day’s worth of sessions within the span of just under 30 minutes. Some attendees prepared slides in advance, while others led discussions and brainstorming sessions.
We at UCLA ITS booked the space, organized registration and ordered the food. Everything else – the scintillating conversations, the networking, and the information sharing – was brought to the table by all of you in attendance. Yesterday’s success would not have been possible without everyone’s participation, and without the leadership of those who proposed and led sessions (all 22 of them). Thank you.
Below, we share what our highlights, but don’t take our word for it: Check out the hackpads completed by our gracious camp counselors (volunteers) and search for the hashtag #transpocampLA on Twitter and Instagram. Opt-in to connect with other participants here.
Our Highlights
Check out all these cool panel ideas! Where should we go first? #TranspoCampLA pic.twitter.com/NfNp9Ffq0L
— Great Streets (@LAGreatStreets) October 3, 2015
Official schedule set, crowdsourced during opening activity #transpocampla @ucla_its pic.twitter.com/XAUmdiSUO1
— Maria Sipin (@ahealthydesign) October 3, 2015
Fantastically interesting discussions on future of LA transportation #TranspoCampLA #MyDayInLA @ucla_its @UCLALuskin pic.twitter.com/kgOE82nyAf
— Peter Marx (@pietromarx) October 3, 2015
And onto the sessions:
1st #TranspoCampLA session: Measure R2 ideas, presented by @MoveLATransit. @ucla_its pic.twitter.com/51wcN8humh
— Santa Monica Next (@SaMoNext) October 3, 2015
Carter Rubin talking Great Streets evaluation at #transpocampla pic.twitter.com/axfRMUf9Zp
— UCLA ITS (@ucla_its) October 3, 2015
Every parking spot is a potential home. #transpocampla
— Niall Huffman (@kneel28) October 3, 2015
Morning session of #transpocampLA was amazing- thanks to everyone who came to our session on Disruptive Transportation & Innovation Economy!
— TECH Miami (@tech__miami) October 3, 2015
Ideas for improving suburban mobility! Main challenge…transpo funding distribution says SBCCOG. #transpocampla pic.twitter.com/ldoP3aMvbW
— Roger Pardo (@rpardo617) October 3, 2015
Great way to kick things off this morning at #transpocampla @RideSyncro pic.twitter.com/MKQdIPMO4S
— Hazel Scher (@HazelScher) October 3, 2015
@uclaurbnplnning How do we achieve consensus and participation? Achieve equity? #transpocampla pic.twitter.com/5QIkZ8taXs
— Julia Salinas (@JuliaRose3) October 3, 2015
Hank Fung, an engineer, pulled together a session to talk about how planners and engineers can work together.
“Engineers must give the stamp of safety and assume liability. Makes profession risk-averse and by the book.” #transpocampla
— UCLA ITS (@ucla_its) October 3, 2015
Serious knowledge being dropped by engineers: “planners call a meeting to present a solution. We need time to digest it..” #transpocampla
— UCLA ITS (@ucla_its) October 3, 2015
And check out this very meta photo/tweet:
.@pietromarx it is all circular #transpocampla #tweetretweet pic.twitter.com/fnkk3QM3Hi
— Ashley Z. Hand (@azhandkc) October 3, 2015
And finally, this.
Wilshire is ready for the session on corgi-inclusive multimodal transit! #transpocampLA pic.twitter.com/ry3ZBCYWN4
— Jordan Fraade (@schadenfraade) October 3, 2015
What did you enjoy about the day? Do you think we should do this again? Lets’ keep the conversation going on the hackpad: transpocampla.hackpad.com.