publication coverAuthor(s):  Jeffrey R. Browna, Eric A. Morrisb, Brian D. Taylor
Date: March 2, 2009
Publication: Journal of the American Planning Association
Project: Planning for Cars in Cities: Planners, Engineers, and Freeways in the 20th Century


When the First National Conference on City Planning took place in  Washington, DC, 100 ago, the delegates failed to foresee the  consequences of automobility and suburbanization, but in other ways they  were remarkably prescient. They stressed the importance of the linkage  between transportation and land use, understood that transportation  facilities must be harmoniously embedded in the urban fabric, and viewed  transportation investment as a way to direct growth, revitalize  flagging areas, and link jobs and housing. Since transportation planners  in subsequent decades kept this vision alive, envisioning a network of  context-sensitive urban freeways fully integrated into the urban milieu,  why is this not what was built?

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