Authors: Matthias, Ruth, Ellen Morrison, Susan Chapman, A.E. (Ted) Benjamin
Date: May 15, 2005
Project: Caregiver Training Initiative Process and Implementation Evaluation
The intent of the Caregiver Training Initiative (CTI) is to increase the number of health caregivers in the State of California. This initiative, which is part of the Governor’s Aging with Dignity Initiative, has provided $25 million through competitive grants to twelve Regional Collaboratives statewide for an 18-21 month period from early 2001 through late 2002. The goals of the CTI project are to address urgent workforce shortages through innovative approaches for recruiting, training, and retaining employees in the healthcare industry, and also to enhance the earning potential of health caregivers. The primary participants in the program are Workforce Investment Act (WIA) clients and Welfare-to-Work (WtW) clients.
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