Authors: John Gahbauer, Juan Matute
Date: March 1, 2019
Project: Best Practices in Implementing Tactical Transit Lanes
[su_button url=”” style=”soft” background=”#2774AE” icon=”icon: download”]Full Report[/su_button] | [su_button url=”” style=”soft” background=”#2774AE” icon=”icon: download”]Two-Page Primer[/su_button] |
This guide, intended for planners interested in improving transit service where traffic congestion constrains its quality, introduces a category of project called the “Tactical Transit Lane” (TTL). These are bus-only lanes installed in congested, dense areas along specific segments where operational data indicate transit vehicle delays and schedule variability are significant and affecting a large number of riders. This tactical use of bus only lanes, installed only where and when they can provide rider benefits, is a recent phenomenon: all 17 of the TTLs found in metropolitan areas across the country were implemented after 2013 (and most after 2016) either permanently or as pilot projects, which TTLs’ low cost and reversibility make feasible.
Based on interviews with 24 planners from twenty city departments and agencies between August 2018 and January 2019, and informed by the results of a survey of 81 professionals with 26 respondents in January 2019, this guide presents findings in best practices in the planning of TTLs, with a focus on strategic considerations for public engagement. Five case studies illustrate the recent experiences of planners in a variety of operating environments and community contexts.
This report was made possible by the funding of the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies Mobility Research Program by the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1), and the support of the State of California.