Authors:  K. Haselhoff, P. Ong

Date: January 1, 2008

Project: Are They Welcome? Understanding Public Opinion on Immigrants in Southern California

This report focuses on public opinion in Southern  California, a region with one of the largest immigration populations in  the country, in comparison to other regions and whether or not it  changed over time. Additionally, it analyzes the determinants of  attitudes towards immigration in the region. Findings include that  Californians are generally more accepting of immigrants in comparison to  other regions, and they have become generally more tolerant than in the  past. The report recommends that immigration policy reform take into  consideration the complexity of public opinions about immigration (e.g.  support for one policy does not guarantee support for another), and that  policies should be devised after a discussion about the costs and  benefits of immigration since policy is already very cost-based so as to  maintain objectivity.

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