This Caltrans-sponsored research project aims to improve the attractiveness of public transit services by reducing travelers’ perceived burdens of walking, waiting, and transferring. The research team completed Phase 1 of the research in 2008 (findings below) and is currently working on the second phase of the project.

The project’s aim is to identify the factors that influence transit riders’ levels of satisfaction with their transit experiences, and to analyze the burden of out-of-vehicle travel times in order to make transit more convenient and attractive. Particular attention is paid to both transit service and the physical attributes of stops, stations, and intermodal transfer facilities on the supply-side.

This research will enable increased customer satisfaction among current users to maintain current levels of transit use. Additionally, if service improvements are significant enough to attract current private vehicle drivers to use transit, these improvements can benefit transit operators and bring societal benefits. The tools of this research will also prove to be valuable resources in the planning for and design of new facilities or enhancement modifications to existing intermodal connection nodes. Collectively, these will translate into direct economic benefits through more efficient and more effective use of available funding.

Phase 1 Documents

Phase 1 Report Synthesis (10 pages, PDF)
Phase 1 Final Report (43 pages, PDF)
Appendix A: The Effects of Out-of-Vehicle Time on Travel Behavior: Implications for Transit Transfers (42 pages, PDF)
Appendix B: Evaluating Connectivity Performance at Transit Transfer Facilities (56 pages, PDF)
Appendix C: Evaluating Transit Stops and Stations from the Perspective of Transit Users (79 pages, PDF)
Appendix D: Evaluating Transit Stops and Stations from the Perspective of Transit Managers (65 pages, PDF)

Phase 2 Prospectus

Phase 2 of EPIC focuses on expanding data collection on riders’ perceptions of transit stops and stations. During the first phase of the research, we collected data on over 700 riders in the Los Angeles region; we now will expand this sample and broaden the geography of our study to include all of California. During this phase, we will focus our data collection efforts on stops/stations with atypical combinations of amenities and attributes, thereby increasing our ability to make statistical inferences about the effects of each of these attributes and amenities.

Current Project Team

Professor Brian D. Taylor, Ph.D. (UCLA)
Principal Investigator

Allison Yoh, Ph.D. (UCLA)
Co-Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator

Hiroyuki Iseki, Ph.D. (University of Maryland, College Park)
Co-Principal Investigator

Michael Smart (UCLA)
Graduate Student Research Assistant

Chandini Singh (UCLA)
Graduate Student Research Assistant

By |January 10, 2018