REVISION (Regional Engaging, Visioning, and Implementing Sustainability through Infill Opportunities Network)* is a transformational upgrade to the CALOTS (California Land Opportunities Tracking System), which has served as a useful, public tool over the past decade of integrated regional transportation and land use planning. The UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, working with the Southern California Association of Governments, created the tool that is now in use. With the implementation of SCAG’s Sustainable Communities Strategy comes an opportunity to revisit the analytical mapping tool with sustainability metrics in mind.
The finalized tool will incorporate a range of data and performance indicators related to sustainable communities:
Non-motorized accessibility index to describe differences in pedestrian and bicycle accessibility within and among transit priority areas within the SCAG region.
Advanced performance monitoring tools to assess changes in time-series and longitudinal data over time. Such tools can be used to assess changes in population density or household vehicle availability in transit priority areas over time.
Tracking changes in employment over time by location, using the Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics data.
A parking inventory tool that can serve as a data repository for multi-jurisdictional parking studies.
Other datasets and calculated indicators identified by our working group and prioritized by the project team.
We hope that the tool will be used by a range of stakeholders, from:
transportation and land use planners working in cities, subregions, and at the regional level
community groups interested in Sustainable Communities Strategy implementation
real-estate developers looking for infill opportunities in walkable transit-priority areas with high locational efficiency
- elected officials seeking high-level information about changes in employment
* the project’s current code name
Additional details:
Working on this project: Juan Matute, Madeline Brozen, Herbie Huff, Norman Wong
Project Start Date: November 2013 Project End Date: December 2015