Research Team: PI: Malia Schilling Team:

About this project:

This report analyzes ten peer cities across the state, country and globe with the goal of providing best practices and lessons learned for Los Angeles’ update of its street design guidance: Atlanta, Dallas, London, Mumbai, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Toronto, and Washington DC. Specifically, the report examines each city’s development and implementation of its street design guidelines through semi-structured interviews and an analysis of six priority complete streets design treatments. Treatments analyzed include corner radii, curb extensions, pedestrian refuge islands, raised crosswalks, roundabouts, and transit platforms. Based on my analysis, I recommend three policy guidelines for the City of Los Angeles: 1) prioritize street design regulations over recommendations, 2) choose flexibility over specificity, and 3) create unified documentation.

What problem does this research aim to address?

What are the expected impacts and benefits of the research?

Final Report
By |October 3, 2019|Categories: Transportation & Communities